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Organic Cinnamon

Siriyawathi is one such worker who is an expert in using traditional tools and techniques during the cinnamon quills production process of Sunil’s cultivation. Sunil’s wife attends to the needs of these workers during the processing period.

MOFA delivers the Cinnamon quills bundle to Ceylbee. Grading, cutting and packaging are done as per client’s requirements under high quality conditions by skilled people at Ceylbee.

Sunil is a cultivator who has a well-managed cinnamon land in Batugammana. His wife is a courageous woman who helps him to maintain the cultivation. Cinnamon quills production is done by skilled workers since it requires special skills.

The cinnamon is harvested in the morning and is brought back to the hovel located behind Sunil’s home. Then Siriyawathi starts her work by scrapping the cinnamon sticks using “Kokaththa” (tool) to remove the outer layer. She decides the maximum length of the bark and then peels using a small pointed knife, afterwards the quills are dried under shade. Siriyawathi make long compound quills by filling broken pieces of bark in curled quills, and they are dried afterwards.

Ceylbee provides high value to the harvested cinnamon from Sunil’s cultivation which will also benefit Siriyawathi. Through Ceylbee, Sunil supply high quality cinnamon to the global customers with the help of Siriyawathi by improving Sri Lankan traditional techniques and conserving them to the next generations…

Sunil is a cultivator who has a well-managed cinnamon land in Batugammana. His wife is a courageous woman who helps him to maintain the cultivation. Cinnamon quills production is done by skilled workers since it requires special skills.

Siriyawathi is one such worker who is an expert in using traditional tools and techniques during the cinnamon quills production process of Sunil’s cultivation. Sunil’s wife attends to the needs of these workers during the processing period.

The cinnamon is harvested in the morning and is brought back to the hovel located behind Sunil’s home. Then Siriyawathi starts her work by scrapping the cinnamon sticks using “Kokaththa” (tool) to remove the outer layer. She decides the maximum length of the bark and then peels using a small pointed knife, afterwards the quills are dried under shade. Siriyawathi make long compound quills by filling broken pieces of bark in curled quills, and they are dried afterwards.
MOFA delivers the Cinnamon quills bundle to Ceylbee. Grading, cutting and packaging are done as per client’s requirements under high quality conditions by skilled people at Ceylbee.

Ceylbee provides high value to the harvested cinnamon from Sunil’s cultivation which will also benefit Siriyawathi. Through Ceylbee, Sunil supply high quality cinnamon to the global customers with the help of Siriyawathi by improving Sri Lankan traditional techniques and conserving them to the next generations…

Packaging Material
Pack Size
Cartier Jars, Pouches, Craft Bag
50g, 100g, 10kg
As per customer requirements
– Cinnamon sticks C5 special, C5, C4, M5, M4, H1 & H2
– Cinnamon quilling
– Cinnamon chips
– Cinnamon powder, TBC
Organic Turmeric

At present, he is able to get a maximum profit from both of his cultivations after joining as a member of MOFA and became a successful farmer with both mango and turmeric yields.

Depending upon the requirement of the customers, it is packed into sliced Turmeric or powdered form.
Abeydasa is a famous mango farmer in Hindikiwula area. He started his farming life by cultivating mangoes with the support of his brother and later on, he thought of maximizing the usage of his land area by planting turmeric.

The harvested and cleaned turmeric rhizomes are handed over to Ceylbee through MOFA in bulk quantities. Then afterwards, rhizomes are washed mechanically and cut into slices and dried in the factory.

Abeydasa is a famous mango farmer in Hindikiwula area. He started his farming life by cultivating mangoes with the support of his brother and later on, he thought of maximizing the usage of his land area by planting turmeric.

At present, he is able to get a maximum profit from both of his cultivations after joining as a member of MOFA and became a successful farmer with both mango and turmeric yields.

The harvested and cleaned turmeric rhizomes are handed over to Ceylbee through MOFA in bulk quantities. Then afterwards, rhizomes are washed mechanically and cut into slices and dried in the factory.
Depending upon the requirement of the customers, it is packed into sliced Turmeric or powdered form.

Packaging Material
Pack Size
Cartier Jars, Pouches, Craft Bag
50g, 100g, 10kg
As per customer requirements
– Turmeric slices, TBC, powder
Organic Ginger

Matured rhizomes are harvested by farmers and then cleaned. Fresh rhizomes are collected by MOFA and delivered to factory.

Because of this process, small scale farmers gain access to the global market through Ceylbee.
The climate in Monaragala area is well warm and slightly humid, that stimulates the proper growth of ginger. Some of the farmers registered under MOFA has focused on ginger cultivation as a seasonal crop. when they cultivate ginger, mainly they depend on the rainfed watering method.

At Ceylbee, raw ginger is washed, cut and dried by preserving the nutritive value of the product. Then packed as dried slices or ginger powder, depending on the requirement of our valued customers.

The climate in Monaragala area is well warm and slightly humid, that stimulates the proper growth of ginger. Some of the farmers registered under MOFA has focused on ginger cultivation as a seasonal crop. when they cultivate ginger, mainly they depend on the rainfed watering method.

Matured rhizomes are harvested by farmers and then cleaned. Fresh rhizomes are collected by MOFA and delivered to factory.

At Ceylbee, raw ginger is washed, cut and dried by preserving the nutritive value of the product. Then packed as dried slices or ginger powder, depending on the requirement of our valued customers.
Because of this process, small scale farmers gain access to the global market through Ceylbee.

Packaging Material
Pack Size
Cartier Jars, Pouches, Craft Bag
50g, 100g, 10kg
As per customer requirements
– Ginger slices, TBC, powder
Organic Pepper

His farm is located in a countryside area called Nakkala. He and his family begin work with a smile on their faces enjoying the nature and greenery of the surrounding.
He doesn’t use any machinery equipment or other practices for weeding and it is done by hand. And also, he had to face many obstacles when farming but he didn’t give up as he gained mental satisfaction through farming.

Processed black pepper, white pepper and green pepper are collected by MOFA and sent to Ceylbee factory for further processing, depending on the requirement of the valued customer.
Dissanayaka is a farmer who started his cultivation by his own with his traditional knowledge on farming and developed it with time.

The pepper spikes are harvested by himself in different maturity stages to produce black pepper, white pepper and dehydrated green pepper.

Dissanayaka is a farmer who started his cultivation by his own with his traditional knowledge on farming and developed it with time.

His farm is located in a countryside area called Nakkala. He and his family begin work with a smile on their faces enjoying the nature and greenery of the surrounding.
He doesn’t use any machinery equipment or other practices for weeding and it is done by hand. And also, he had to face many obstacles when farming but he didn’t give up as he gained mental satisfaction through farming.

The pepper spikes are harvested by himself in different maturity stages to produce black pepper, white pepper and dehydrated green pepper.

Processed black pepper, white pepper and green pepper are collected by MOFA and sent to Ceylbee factory for further processing, depending on the requirement of the valued customer.
Organic Black Pepper
Dissanayaka harvests pepper berries when they start to turn red in color for the processing of black pepper. Then afterwards, berries are washed and immersed in hot water for few minutes and dried until it appears in the uniform color of black pepper.

Packaging Material
Pack Size
Cartier Jar, Standup pouch, Craft Bag
50g, 100g, 10kg
As per customer requirements
Black pepper whole 560 GL machine cleaned, 550 GL machine cleaned, 525 GL, 500 GL FAQ
Black pepper 18 mesh, 28 mesh, cracked, TBC, powder
Black pepper light berries (oil extraction quality)

Organic White Pepper
Fully ripened pepper spikes are harvested by Dissanayaka for processing of white pepper from his cultivation. Then, the pepper spikes are immersed in water for 2 weeks. They are washed and dried under the sun after the outer soften part is removed.
Packaging Material
Pack Size
Standup pouch, Craft Bag
100g, 10kg
As per customer requirements
White pepper whole double washed, FAQ, grinding grade.
White pepper 18 mesh, 28 mesh, cracked, TBC, powder.
Organic Dehydrated Green Pepper
Pepper spikes are harvested by Dissanayaka when they are still green and immature for processing of dehydrated green pepper. These fresh pepper berries are then received by the Ceylbee factory and dehydrated using machines, under good hygienic conditions as retaining its natural green color.
Grading and packing is done based on customer orders.

Packaging Material
Pack Size
Cartier Jars, Pouches, Craft Bag
100g, 10kg
As per customer requirements
Dehydrated green pepper whole (DGP)
Dehydrated green pepper powder
Our company motive is to help Dissanayaka to earn a fair income from his pepper cultivation. We export his pepper to the international market allowing Dissanayaka to be happy and proud of himself knowing that his pepper is traded in the global market with the highest quality and value.
Organic Clove

Harvesting of clove buds is started when, flower petals change their color from green to pink. Farmers harvest the unopened flower buds by handpicking and they are dried until it becomes dark brown in color.

Farmers gain a fair income this way through Ceylbee to educate their children and to make a bright future for them.
Most of the farmers under MOFA has been directed to grow cloves as a cultivation after realizing the medicinal value of the clove. Farmers are maintaining this evergreen plant as a bush to make it easy for the harvesting process.

MOFA collects the dried cloves in bulk amounts and delivers to Ceylbee. Then afterwards, dried cloves are grounded into powder and packed as whole or powder according to the customer’s request.

Most of the farmers under MOFA has been directed to grow cloves as a cultivation after realizing the medicinal value of the clove. Farmers are maintaining this evergreen plant as a bush to make it easy for the harvesting process.

Harvesting of clove buds is started when, flower petals change their color from green to pink. Farmers harvest the unopened flower buds by handpicking and they are dried until it becomes dark brown in color.

MOFA collects the dried cloves in bulk amounts and delivers to Ceylbee. Then afterwards, dried cloves are grounded into powder and packed as whole or powder according to the customer’s request.
Farmers gain a fair income this way through Ceylbee to educate their children and to make a bright future for them.

Packaging Material
Pack Size
Cartier Jars, Pouches, Craft Bag
100g, 10kg
As per customer requirements
– cloves handpicked
– cloves grade 1
– cloves FAQ
– cloves powder, TBC
Organic Nutmeg & Mace

Harvesting involves collecting the fruits from the ground and sometimes fruits with partially opened pericarps maybe picked from the tree using a long pole, so this method affords a better-quality mace. The fruits are opened by hand and the mace is removed by cutting the attachment with a small pointed knife.

The separated mace is flattened by hand and dried on mats under the sun.
The separated nutmegs are dried in their shells under the sun and are turned each day to prevent fermentation. To remove the shells of nutmegs, the nuts are cracked by tapping the end of the nuts with a small wooden mallet. Finally, nuts are sorted based on the quality.
As a tropical tree, nutmeg thrives well in warm and humid conditions in Sri Lanka. Although this is an expensive spice there is a high wastage due to under-utilization. We identified the demand for this spice in the export market, therefore MOFA guided the farmers to improve their cultivation with minimal wastage.

Then the sorted high-quality nutmegs and mace are collected by MOFA officers in bulk amounts and are delivered to our factory. At Ceylbee, the whole nutmegs and mace are grounded into powder using machines. Both nutmeg and mace are packed as whole or powder in good hygienic conditions according to the customer requirements.

As a tropical tree, nutmeg thrives well in warm and humid conditions in Sri Lanka. Although this is an expensive spice there is a high wastage due to under-utilization. We identified the demand for this spice in the export market, therefore MOFA guided the farmers to improve their cultivation with minimal wastage.

Harvesting involves collecting the fruits from the ground and sometimes fruits with partially opened pericarps maybe picked from the tree using a long pole, so this method affords a better-quality mace. The fruits are opened by hand and the mace is removed by cutting the attachment with a small pointed knife.

Then the sorted high-quality nutmegs and mace are collected by MOFA officers in bulk amounts and are delivered to our factory. At Ceylbee, the whole nutmegs and mace are grounded into powder using machines. Both nutmeg and mace are packed as whole or powder in good hygienic conditions according to the customer requirements.
The separated mace is flattened by hand and dried on mats under the sun.
The separated nutmegs are dried in their shells under the sun and are turned each day to prevent fermentation. To remove the shells of nutmegs, the nuts are cracked by tapping the end of the nuts with a small wooden mallet. Finally, nuts are sorted based on the quality.

Packaging Material
Pack Size
Cartier Jars, Pouches, Craft Bag
50g, 100g, 10kg
As per customer requirements
– Mace whole
– Mace broken
– Mace powder, TBC
Packaging Material
Pack Size
Cartier Jars, Pouches, Craft Bag
50g, 100g, 10kg
As per customer requirements
– Nutmeg whole
– Nutmeg broken/grinding grades
– Mace powder, TBC
Organic Cardamom

The farmers harvest these pods before they are fully matured and wash them in water to remove the soil particles and other dirt adherents to get good quality cardamoms.

Hereafter cardamom is sent to Ceylbee by MOFA in bulk amounts is prepared according to the customer request, while working in factory premises under good hygienic conditions.
Cardamom is one of the most expensive and unique spices in the world which are grown as bushes. It can be found as whole cardamom, cardamom seeds and in ground form. The pods are plucked manually by hand. Farmers started cardamom as home gardening and later continued as a commercial crop because there’s a good market value for Cardamom.

Then afterwards, moisture is reduced from freshly harvested pods by the curing process. With the vast experience of the farmers, they can easily identify the maturity of pods and the curing temperature which influences the color and quality of processed cardamom.

Cardamom is one of the most expensive and unique spices in the world which are grown as bushes. It can be found as whole cardamom, cardamom seeds and in ground form. The pods are plucked manually by hand. Farmers started cardamom as home gardening and later continued as a commercial crop because there’s a good market value for Cardamom.

The farmers harvest these pods before they are fully matured and wash them in water to remove the soil particles and other dirt adherents to get good quality cardamoms.

Then afterwards, moisture is reduced from freshly harvested pods by the curing process. With the vast experience of the farmers, they can easily identify the maturity of pods and the curing temperature which influences the color and quality of processed cardamom.
Hereafter cardamom is sent to Ceylbee by MOFA in bulk amounts is prepared according to the customer request, while working in factory premises under good hygienic conditions.

Packaging Material
Pack Size
Cartier Jars, Pouches, Craft Bag
50g, 100g, 10kg
As per customer requirements
– Cardamom whole, powder, TBC